Individual Adult Therapy

Individual psychotherapy is a great way to receive support for many life problems or concerns, including work-life balance, social difficulties, and stressful life events. Sometimes people are too close to their own situation to be aware of their own negative circles. It is often helpful to have someone outside of your friends and family who can be a sounding board on issues and provide professional feedback. Talking to a therapist will help you look at a situation from a different perspective or understand the connection between events in your life that had significant impact on you.

For most people it is difficult talking about their bad experiences and painful feelings. Instead, people may prefer to distract themselves with various activities or self-medicate with substances. Unfortunately, avoiding hard topics does not make them go away and often leads to more mental health problems. Other people tend to get stuck on their negative thoughts about themselves and become highly self-critical. They feel guilty or ashamed when something goes wrong and believe it’s all their fault. 

Talking to a professional therapist can help you develop more coping skills, and more compassion for yourself and others. By talking to a therapist about your problems, you are making a step toward changing your way of dealing with them.

Therapists at the Katalyst Psychological Family Center can help you deal with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Loneliness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Mood problems
  • Post-traumatic stress